No puns this time! (Besides, ramps are like, so last month.)
So we've been quiet since the pop-up, and with good reason -- we sold a lot of product (like, all of our jams from last season, which is awesome), Stephen started a new gig working for GROWNYC, the greenmarket operators in New York City, and while spring has definitely sprung here in the northeast, nature can be a tease, and fruits of the spring-y sort -- cherries, strawberries, and other berries -- are still a few weeks out from being available. So while we've been baking plenty -- we're getting to test some flours as a part of the NY Regional Grains Project -- we're still waiting on delicious fruity things to come from the trees. So jams are out for a spell -- but only a spell.
We've been experimenting with flavor combinations, and this year it'll be nice to have a depth as well as breadth of flavors. Not just cultivar-specific jams, but also more flavors within categories. Take, for example, strawberries. Not only are we going to have the awesome Seascapes from Mountain Sweet Berry Farm in August, but we'll also have Raritans from Norwich Meadows in July. Along with straight stawberry jams, we're also looking to have the return of the strawberry caradamom-saffron jam, a chamomile-infused strawberry, and if Bernard Ranches in California gets back to us in time, a Meyer Lemon Strawberry marmalade. And that's just strawberries.
Pop-ups are coming back -- we're currently working on two: one hopefully for midsummer, and another for the fall to showcase the full new jam lineup. We're also talking to the wonderful folks at New Amsterdam Public Market to pop in once in their new season, as well as the group Made In LES, to host a cooking class or two during the season. Can't wait for those? You know that Diaspora also does events -- cocktail parties, planned dinners, a group cooking class or even just a birthday cake. If any of those interest you, get in touch at -- your respected source for all questions big and small.
So worry not -- like the spring itself, we know we can be a bit of a tease. You'll see more of us soon.